One of the dilemmas of any entrepreneur these days is what business is best for someone to start up or put their backing into. There are experts who know thae markets very well and can pick and choose which to back. There is that well established programme on national tv involving four or five seriously successful and wealthy entrepreneurs who interview prospective businesses who are pitching for backing – some of the most incredibly successful companies have stemmed from that. Strangely, two that come to my mind were ones where either they didn’t get backing offered, or, they were offered funds but the high shared ownership price point was too high so they walked away. In most cases the company went from strength to strength after their appearance on tv as folk could clearly see they had integrity and wouldn’t sell out for the first big dollar bill to be offered. In each circumstance the start up found alternative backers for much more reasonable terms, and have proven to have gone from strength to strength after their appearance on the tv show. What may have seemed a failure on the night has in each case turned out to be the absolute making of them.